
Q-file lady final 600

Why Q-File?

The title Q-FILE aptly describes an extremely versatile stage and studio lighting control system in which "cues" (i.e. lighting changes) are "filed" (i.e. memorised) during rehearsal. These cues may then b repeated during a production with supreme ease and accuracy. 

Through this use of modern electronic technology, the whole process of planning and using theatrical lighting becomes an "armchair" exercise. Even the most ambitious lighting changes can be initiated by the operation of no more than two push buttons. 

excerpt from the Q-file manual, (1975)


“At the University, there was an early electronic memory lighting console named the Q-File. It didn’t actually run a program, just a logic ladder machine. In 1973, when installed, it cost $150,000. I took my brother to look at this. He said, ‘Gack! We can do this for $5,000.’”      - Fred Foster

Highlights of Q-file

  • 100 separate memories can be used individually or in any combination.
  • Memories include a full range of brightness levels.
  • Memory recall as Instant Action or Automatic Fade/Crossfade.
  • Independent control of four fades running simultaneously and at different speeds. 
  • Memories can be added or subtracted with instant effect during a Fade or Crossfade.
  • Instant manual override of all circuits at all times. 
  • Facility for "Blind" Plotting or modifying memories without affecting lighting in use. 
  • Ability to control up to 390 lighting circuits with individual power ratings of up to 10 kilowatts. 
  • Mimic diagram shows circuits in use at all times.  

Advantages of Q-file

Q-FILE is the most sophisticated equipment of its type in the world and the most convenient and simple to operate.

q-file quotes
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