Customizing a lighting console
Theatre lighting in the last decade has undergone some radical technical innovations. The introduction of microcomputers has changed the control aspects of our industry and set the direction it will take for the future. At least eight or ten companies are now engaged in the manufacture of computer-based lighting controllers or front ends for theatrical use, and each unit has specific features that the user thinks will satisfy his or her needs. Epcot Center initially had ten show locations requiring front end control. The problem was to define the type of show locations that had to be supported and then to determine which available commercial units would meet our needs.
-Excerpt taken from 1982 feature article on ETC's ELC console

These instructions are intended to be used as a beginner's guide to the lighting board, and are in no way complete. In general, the message that appears on the CRT after a button press indicates what buttons should be pressed to achieve a certain result. A mode can usually be aborted by pressing another button. Note that the CLEAR SYSTEM, TO TAPE, and FROM TAPE, buttons can do the most damage if used indiscriminately.
- Excerpt from the original Operator's Guide

ELC parts laid out on a table